Research and Planning Blog

First, I gather a wide array of personal photos and videos from my life experiences. This includes childhood photos, memorable trips, milestones, and significant moments. My goal is to create a visual story that captures my life's journey. I also consider the tone and mood I want to set for my commercial. I choose if it is going to be a heartwarming and nostalgic piece or a more lighthearted and fun commercial. This decision helps guide my choice of photos and videos. I explore my music collection as it sets the emotional background feeling for the commercial. Looking for tracks that resonate with my story and evoke emotions. Lyrics play a significant role in my decision to choose which music goes into my commercial. I often organize my assets into different themes or chapters, making it easier to structure the commercial. These themes are related to my childhood, hobbies, career, and personal growth throughout my high school years. During the selection process for photos, I prioritize images and clips that have a strong visual appeal and add feeling and information to my commercial. Adding a mix of video types such as home videos, school videos, and pictures of me and my friends spending time together at places. As I bring together the content, I ensure a smooth flow between the visuals and music. Transitions between scenes are carefully considered, and I adjust the pacing to maintain viewer engagement. The project may evolve over time as I review and refine my selections. Some moments that initially seemed significant might lose their relevance, while others gain newfound importance. Throughout the process, I seek feedback from friends and family to gain insight into what resonates with them. This external perspective helps me adjust and fix the project. The commercial reflects on my past while hinting at what is to come. 



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